Sunday, August 17, 2014

Back to School Advice

The start of a new school year is upon us. The time to start fresh, try new things, and get organized (again) is here. Although this happens every year, sometimes we need to be reminded of a few things. Here is some food for thought as you embark on your new journey.

1.) Don't pack your schedule. Leave room for spontaneous events, whether it's a date to the donut shop with your pals or a nap. Over scheduling results in restlessness, and let's face it: most of us could use some more rest. We were created to work: "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it" (Genesis 2:16). Work is good. But so is resting.

2.) Do something fun. We were created to work, but we were also created to enjoy this life. Have one day a week or one day every two weeks that you get together with a few friends and go to a movie. Plan a trip to see a concert, whether it's someone you've been dying to see or a band that is just starting out. Go camping or ice skating (depending on the time of year, of course). Have a photo shoot. Take a trip to visit that friend you've been meaning to visit for a while. You'll enjoy your life a lot more.

3.) Enjoy what you are doing. Or at least try to. I know many people who don't really like their jobs. I can understand that. If you hate your job, try to find things you do enjoy while you are there. If even that is too hard, try to be thankful you work there. Same goes with school or volunteering or whatever your case may be. When you can only see negatives, either you are involved with something bad or you need to change your mindset. Be thankful you are in the position you are in. Sometimes that can take a while, but it is an important step. Then you can find the positives that will help you enjoy what you are doing. To paraphrase what Mark Hall said, "so many of us are just trying to through the week to the weekend." Trying to get through the week. The week is 5 days. The weekend is 2. Trudging along, being miserable for five days, and enjoying only two days will lead to a fairly miserable life. Folks, we were not made to "just survive, we were made to thrive".

4.) Pick something new to try each month. Maybe you'd like to take up sewing, or swing dancing, or carving, or playing guitar. Do it. Just for one month. Even if you don't really like it, do it for the whole month. We could all use a little more practice at perseverance. If you do like it, that's great! You just found yourself a new hobby. It's a great way to find different things you enjoy or are even good at, as well as to make new friends.

5.) Take a nap. When your life is going crazy, you are going a million different ways, you are spread thinner than 1-ply toilet paper - take a nap. It helps you to destress. Your body needs a break from the insanity. Your brain needs time to process what has happened, what is happening, and what is going to happen. Our brains are amazing organs. Like any living thing, it needs to be cared for and nurtured. Taking a nap is caring and nurturing your brain. If you think you aren't good at taking naps, it's probably because you "don't have time". Except for some people that have negative side effects of taking naps. Then you should set 20 minutes aside to sit in silence, or lay because then you might find out you needed a nap, close your eyes, and relax.

Being a kid was so much easier. And by easier I mean more carefree. And by more carefree I mean we lived off of fun and didn't have schedules. When we started to stress our growing little brains and bodies, our moms told us what to do (ie take a nap). We also enjoyed trying out different things - albeit some probably weren't positive and/or healthy.

As you go into this new school year, remember these five little nuggets. They will make your life more enjoyable. After all, friends, "it's time for us to more than just survive, we were made to thrive".