Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Montana vs. Kansas

Montana vs. Kansas. Mountains vs. Mountainless. Yikes.

Libby, MT

Manhattan, KS

See the difference? Libby has gorgeous mountains, lots of trees, a beautiful sky. Manhattan has...some cool the fall and spring. Why on earth would anyone go from the most beautiful place on earth to Kansas? That's weird.

Montana is...breath-taking. You say Montana and people have a gorgeous picture of mountains, open sky, and wildlife without ever having been there. Montana has a pretty good reputation, from what I've heard. People vacation to Montana, they don't vacation to Kansas.

Regardless of what non-Kansas folk may think about Kansas, it's actually a pretty great place. The best part of Kansas: Superman. Clark Kent lives in Kansas, automatically making it that much better. Apart from Clarky boy, Kansas has it's own kind of beauty. Sure it's flat, doesn't have a ton of wildlife, is windy all the time, and is really hot 9 months out of the year. There's just something about the place that you have to experience yourself in order to understand its beauty.

Despite my love for Montana and my adamancy against liking Kansas, it has grown on me. Change is tough sometimes. Especially when you are leaving something you love and going to a place you...don't love. You just have to take it one day at a time, try to appreciate your new surroundings. Even though Manhattan, KS is not Libby, MT, Kansas still has its own beauty, its own greatness, and Clarky boy.

Have you had to leave a place you love for a place you didn't want to live in? Let's hear about it!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Boys vs Girls

Boys and girls have a lot of differences, right? Boys are boys. And girls are girls. Think about it. Boys like manly things: hunting, fishing, wrestling, blood and guts, explosions, saving the damsels in distress. Girls like more feminine things: sleepovers, chocolate, shopping, anything with romance, dressing up, and being fought for and saved by masculine men. Of course those are stereotypical boys and girls. There are the girls (like myself) who like hunting and fishing and explosions. And there are guys who like shopping, occassional romance movies or novels, and dressing nicely. Either is fine, either accepted, and both are great.

But this isn't about the differences between guys and gals. It's more like the lack of differences, the similarities that society over looks, or maybe doesn't want to see. There are just some things that I've noticed and learned from talking to my guy friends and talking about guys with a couple of my best female friends that I figured I'd share with anyone who happened to stumble on my meager little blog!

First things first. Guys have feelings. Even the manliest men out there. They have emotions and need affection just as much as ladies do. Some won't want to admit this, of course. They are just putting up a front. God created both men and women as emotional beings, needing relationships and affection, and filled with emotions. Anyone can deny this, but truth will out.

With that said, I think it's important to say guys need ladies to guard their hearts. If we girls expect guys to guard our hearts, we need to do the same. There is always talk of girls protecting guys from lust, which I wholeheartedly agree that people, boys and girls, need to dress modestly. But that's a different topic for another time. Men invest in their relationships just as much as women do.  Why should their hearts be treated any differently from ours?

I think it's important for girls to treat guys with the same love, respect, gentleness, and protection as girls expect and demand from guys. They might not show it as often as girls do, but guys have the same emotions and feelings as girls. That's what I think.

What do you think? Agree? Disagree? I want to hear your feedback!! Thanks for suffering through this! Haha!