Thursday, June 28, 2012

Things My Grandparents Say/Do

I don't know about you, but I think my grandparents are hilarious. Their personalities and humors compliment each others very well. My grandpa likes to 'rattle off in the head', as Gram likes to say. How does Gram respond to it? Well, let me just tell you. At first Gram will just ignore him. Then, after about 10-15 minutes, she'll respond with something along the lines of "I'm going to smack you," or "Are you rattling off in head again?" He continues pestering, she continues ignoring.

Despite what she says, I think deep, deep down, waaaaay down Gram likes Pop's pestering because it's who he is. I happen to think it's funny...really funny. I cherish the moment Gram walks in the door from work, not only because I'm excited to see her, but because I know I'm about to have dinner and a show. It's the best thing ever.

With all of that said, I have listened, watched, and taken notes over the course of the last month of things that Gram and Pop say and do to each other. Below is a list of different things that I found precious and hilarious. Grab a friend, grab a box of tissues, and be prepared for an excellent ab workout, because these are classic quotes/stories from my very own grandparents.

-Gram went to visit my mom and siblings in Washington state for about 5 days. While we were waiting for her to get home I noticed Pop looking out of the window every five seconds to see if she was home yet. When I saw her pulling into the driveway, I said, "She's heeere!!" Pop looked out the window and very excitedly said, "Where!?" Then...he saw the car. He jumped off the couch and ran out the back door. Gram actually came in the front door. Pop realized this, came back in the back door, saw her, and started jumping up and down really fast half yelling, "You're HOME! You're HOME!!"

-Pop grabbed some goldfish and put them in his salad. He said, "It's like they are swimming through sea weed!"

-Fact: Pop LOVES ordering 'free' stuff from the TV. Every time he somehow manages to order multiple of the same thing. And every time Gram gets a bill. (You should hear her talk about is so funny.)

-For this next quote you should know Pop uses a nebulizer. One night while Pop is 'talking' to Gram, Gram told him, "Oh, put your pipe in your mouth and smoke it and get over it."

-Pop: "I've had my eye on you for 40+ years. I've had my eye on you when you were just a skinny brunette. I had my eye on you when you were full bodied...with streaks of gray. And now I watch you...with a full head of white hair." Gram: "You are rattling off in the head again."

-Gram: "I like to eat corn on the cob cold with salt on it." Pop: "You are weird." Gram: " do the same thing."

-Gram made spaghetti last night for dinner. Pop was teasing Gram about how she's been cooking spaghetti for 60 years and she never cooks the noodles long enough. This is what Pop said, "This spaghetti reminds me of Rice Krispies. Wanna know why? Because it snaps, crackles, and pops."

Get ready for this one, it'll melt your socks off it's so sweet.

-We (Gram, Pop, and I) were watching a TV show and a commercial came on. It was an advertisement for some mints in which a man and a woman got in opposite sides of a taxi, saw each other, turned away from each other, popped a mint, and it insinuated they went out after that. When it ended Pop looks at Gram and says, "Hey, got any mints?"

I hope this has given you a good glimpse of my grandparents, and of my (hilarious) life with my grandparents! If you have any funny stories from your grandparents, leave a comment, I want to hear them!

Until next time--over and out.

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you're as funny as you are, Kayla! You're learning from some legends! =)
