Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Bag/Beg = Crayon/Crown

Dear Kansas friends,

This is for you. Let's take a little stroll down Memory Lane of the past 4 years. Remember all of those times I would say "bag", "tag", "flag", "wagon", "dragon", etc. and you would never cease to, at the very least, crack a smile and usually say "I'm sorry, you want a what?"

I am so happy to inform you of my not so recent discovery of a word that you cannot say correctly. A word that when said correctly means one thing, and when said your way means some completely different. The word is "crayon". Crayon is pronounced cray - on. Crayon. But when Kansas folk say it, it comes out "crown". So when my darling kids at work or the helpful staff at work ask me for a crayon what they say is "crown". "Miss Kayla, can I have a crown?" "Hey Kayla, where did you say the crowns are?"

My turn to crack a smile. Every time. The first few times I literally had no idea what they were saying. We are making sharks and sea anemones and you want a crown? That makes no sense. We aren't doing anything with princes or princesses, kings or queens. So I say, "You want a what?" or "Where did I say the what are?" After they repeat themselves, sometimes hand movements involved, sometimes after thinking about what I just said, I know they are looking for a crayon. A coloring crayon.

So, my dear friends, I want you to know that you also pronounce things incorrectly (although I still don't think I say "bag" incorrectly; b-a-g (bee-ay-gee) says bag). As you continue to call crayons "crowns" I will smile to myself, say "bag" in my head, and tell you where the crayons are.

Peace and love, my friends. Peace. And. Love.

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